We are proud in playing an active role in the education of future marine and estuarine scientists, by providing assistance, guidance and facilities for various post-graduate research projects.
Current projects
- Past, present and future status, as well as the importance of the endangered white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus to aquatic conservation in the Knysna Estuary – The White Steenbras Project
- Reproductive and local dispersal patterns of Diopatra aciculata in the Knysna Estuary.
- Fish habitat associations in the marine bay region of the Knysna Estuary.
- Investigating the provision of habitat for macroinvertebrates & associated ecosystem services within seagrass acting as a pollutant filter.
- Conservation and management of the endangered seagrass Zostera capensis and associated macroinvertebrates in the Knysna, Swartvlei and Keurbooms estuaries.
Completed projects
- Spatial analysis of littoral and demersal fish assemblages within the Knysna Estuary system.
- The use of gabions as a tool for ecological engineering: evidence from a temperate estuary.
- Ocean sprawl in the Keurbooms estuary: Ecological efficacy of different artificial structures used in erosion control.
- Micro-plastics in the Knysna estuary: Sources, sinks and ecological implications
- Assessing the population dynamics of the Knysna Dwarf Chameleon, Bradypodion damaranum
- Conducting a baseline assessment of the occurrence and extent of ghost fishing gear in the Knysna estuary
- An investigation of ocean sprawl in the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve
- (Meta)barcoding of seagrass communities: comparative approaches for biodiversity planning
- The economic value of Zostera capensis in South Africa: desktop methods investigation
- Stormwater management using hydrological modelling and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems